A Message from
the Pastor
Many churches saw a large influx of people on the Sunday
following the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center.
Many were looking for something to help them cope with the
911 tragedy. Their sense of security had been badly
shaken. They were expecting to find solace and comfort in
God's house. Instead, in many cases, all they found
was a church full of people just like themselves. They
didn't find their loving heavenly Father. They
didn't find the reassurance that God is in control
regardless of how uncertain life is. Because many
churches were not ready, a tremendous opportunity to expand
the Kingdom of God was missed. We simply were not what
they expected us to be. We were not what God wanted us to
be. Sadly many churches saw these people come and go
without even evaluating what happened and without
considering the possibility of changing.
I observed all this, while attending a church in Connecticut, and asked myself why? Why didn't God's love and faithfulness shine through us? Has our personal experience with God failed to make us passionate enough to share Him in a way that is perceived as natural and genuine? Have we stuck "Christian" labels on ourselves while being governed by many of the same fears and appetites of unbelievers? Do we care enough to want to change?
Verse 14 of Psalm 89 shows God's love and faithfulness going before Him. The "going before Him" in this passage can be personified as throne attendants that herald a king's movements. As God moves toward us, He wants us to see His unconditional love and faithfulness for us. In this world He wants to use us as His heralds. Sincere unselfish love and concern can have a powerful impact on the lonely, the discouraged, and the broken-hearted. In fact it is something that we all need.
Love and unity in a church does not come about just because people want to be a "loving" church. That will only work until the limits of human love are reached. True love and unity flow from a deep and vital relationship with God. It should be our reaction as we come to know Him as He is revealed in scripture and as we experience His love in His daily interaction with us. It is re-enforced as we see Him working in the lives of others around us. We then become vessels that His love can flow through to others. It is not always easy to get there. At times it takes strong self-determination and requires encouragement from other believers, but it is achievable.
I believe that God is calling the Church, as the Body of Christ, back to something similar to what is portrayed in the book of Acts. No, I am not suggesting that we sell all our possessions and live as one community sharing all things in common as in Acts 4:32-35. I am suggesting that we open our ears and hearts to God as they did and that we allow the Holy Spirit to change us so that our lives truly bring Him the glory and honor He deserves. We must stop restricting God to that which we are comfortable with. We must be willing to let God be God in our lives and in His Church.
Many people, including the "churched" are looking for the genuine love of God. We cannot reflect it without truly experiencing it and having it firmly established in our hearts. Heart Song was founded in the summer of 2007 with the vision of making God's love and faithfulness a greater reality to those around us. Let's do it together and make a difference!
Be encouraged,
Pastor Arn